4-1 Golf Tee Packet - 3-1/4" Tee

Item # FP-260-61012-58706481
4-1 Golf Tee Packet - 3-1/4" Tee

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All components imprinted! One set-up and now digital 4-color process.

Components have black imprint and come in assorted colors. Standard assorted colors include white, yellow, red and natural. Ball marker not available in natural color.Exact color match cannot be guaranteedLess than minimum not available on this productBlank goods not available

Many products are available to ship internationally. Please note international shipments require a third-party shipper number and/or may be shipped via a freight forwarder.
Koozie Group products are designed and tested to meet the laws and standards of the United States and Canada. Customers wishing to ship products outside of those markets, whether shipped by Koozie Group or the Customer, assume the risk that the product or its ingredients may not meet the laws or product safety standards of the country of import.
Package Length
Package Width
Package Height
Imprint Method
Full Color
Product Color
Product Dimensions
2-5/8"w x 3-5/8"h x 1/2"d
Product Material
Packet: Paper, Tees: Wood, Ball Marker: Plastic
Approximate Production Time
7 Working Days
Weight Per Carton
Imprint Includes
4-color process imprint on outer package and a 1-color, 1 location imprint on tees and ball marker
Item Weight
Pricing Summary
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